Do you want to keep motivating your team to constructively rise to the challenges of present-day management?
- As a team, do you want to tackle the numerous challenges more constructively?
- As a team, do you want to collaborate more efficiently in order to obtain better results?
- Are you looking for ways to deal constructively with tensions and conflicts?
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
Troaching is a contraction of  training and coaching. It is a new form of facilitation that enables participants to maximize their individual development inside a team. Participants tackle suggested themes individually, after which they share them with the group. This helps absorb the material, and thus retain it longer.

Potential themes:
•    Value driven leadership
•    Team Building based on the circus metaphor
•    Team coaching
•    Adequate communication and functioning
•    Loyalties @ work
•    Thrive in complex and fast changing times through Transformational Presence
•    Cultivating collective intelligence through knowledge sharing
•    Getting to know yourself better through art
Coming together is a beginning;
keeping together is progress;
working together is success.